Monday, February 15, 2010

Back to School Presentation is easy to use. I think it will be beneficial to use as a teacher because it will give the parents the ability to stay in touch with their children's education. More importantly, the parents can be involved in order to help the students in any way, even if it just means pushing them to get off the couch. Ether way, the parents at least know what is expected of the students.
I also like the slide show because some parents have a hard time making it to parent-teacher meeting. The parents can watch the video at the convenience of their own home.
I did however, spend a lot of time on constructing the slideshow but it will be beneficial to refer back to when we are progressing through the course. In a way, the slide can act as a check list for the items we have accomplished in the class.


  1. Great job. I like that you included descriptions of the technologies you students will use. That always impresses parents because Web 2.0 is new to them. There is a definite emphasis on preparing them for the 21st Century.

  2. I agree about being pretty easy, I was suprised about that. I think the presentation came out well. I think the best part is includig metion of particular sites when talking about the technology.
