Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Teacher Web Pages

I took a look at Fairview Public Schools. The web site was very clear and easy to follow. The district web site had a list of the schools on the side tool bar. When I clicked on them, a page description about the school was displayed as well as administrative information. For a parent, this web site would be very helpful in deciding if you would like to move to this area, while for a prospective teacher, you can take a look at what the schools are like and if you'd be interested in working at one of them.
The web site also has a calendar for days off and a board for other frequently asked questions. Some of the icons are for the flu shot, district policies, and how you can reach them by e mail. The school seems very proficient in technology which reestablishes the importance of this class. Here is a link to the cite


  1. I think it's very convenient for the students to be able to access these pages!

  2. I was not able to click on the link. It was not linked directly to a teacher website.

    Also, the assignment was to review a teacher website. You describe a distrcit website.
